not so bad
was okay
For school, I had to make a presentation shorter than 2 minutes about a winter danger. Most others did frost bite or other real things. I did a flash about giant snowflakes and janitors.
not so bad
was okay
It was okay
Not bad. You did great with the eyes. What grade did you get?
pretty good
favorite part was the guy on fire. good heavy snow effect, decent sound quality, and a quirky sort of dark humor at the end, i wasnt laughin my ass off but i can appreciate that sense of humor :)
ill look for your next submission.
:~> Not Bad
Yeah, that wasn't a bad one. It preety much sounded like you would end your flash with some senseless deaths typical of teenagers movies, but the end had some sort of unexpected humor. Not a great humor, it must be said, but it made me smile.
I think this deserves to stay in the portal. It's a good 10-sec movie. However, I'd suggest you try something more ellaborated on your next submission.
Btw, wad grade did you get from that? ;-)
# Poirot #
hehehe unexpected
hah, good unexpected death. i liked that, should make more. you're not half bad with it. (more unexpected stuff XD)