Todo mundo brigando
Whee, smashed 2 populair movies from deviantart together here since both of them are to small for a newgrounds solo I'm afraid.
One horribly programmed Duckhunt game(but fun to kill nintendo characters i guess ^^;) and sonic battle in 2 minutes.
Todo mundo brigando
this is great i mean the movie i didnt play the game.
i love the ending PUNCHBAG!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s:does emrel really die at the end of sonic battle?
p.p.s: if he does then yay i hate that stupid robot!
Awesome :3
This is quite a humor..but I like it I also like the chesy animationstyle and the Duckhunt references! Overall Cool Animation :3
dude this is sick funny oh and Velgaem yousuck
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why Chris??????
I love Chris!