cool concept...
... but you should finish it! i know there's a size limit on submissions, but you could have mad the frame size smaller perhaps? It's just not a good story if you leave it hanging like that!
A fight to death, as two cyber idiots battle it out in an alternate dimension!!
cool concept...
... but you should finish it! i know there's a size limit on submissions, but you could have mad the frame size smaller perhaps? It's just not a good story if you leave it hanging like that!
sure, this is freaking old, just wanted to submit something :P
umm how in god's name did that push 3 mb? i've got a headache now from those lines. those awful lines, i see them in my sleep, in my food they're everywhere... waiting for me to turn my back. OH GOD OH GOD THEY'RE HERE! QUICK GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN! STOP STANDING THERE AND RUN!!! RUN!!! *gunshots* OH GOD OH GOD NOOO *crunching noises, gurgling*
I know someone who likes Swift 3d!!!
No offense, you're also kind of a noob at it. But you are actually able to use it, so kudos to you. Get better with Swift and make another movie. We all want to see it.
go suck an arse assmunch :P na just kdding this movie suckes ass I admit it :P
Hated it
It was crud i couldnt even tell what was going on half of the time!!!
dude you need 2 do a lot better, Graphics were gd though
A good effort.
Basically, I think you are simply lacking perspective - it's impossible to say which of the two cyber dudes is moving after impact. Try including some background.
Other than that, I liked those random creations, but I don't reckon the music fitted the moves they were making.
Overall, with improvements, this could be good.