Hmm. Nice.
If only fire emblem was like this. But I DO Have constructive critisim.
1: Generals are badass. Sorry, but that general would of kicked those cavs asses with hands tied behind his back. But I know you hate them, dunno why, they are the strongest unit in the game. Atleast for me.
2: The walking, was a little rough. Good for first time, but still roughish.
3: The lack of a vast majority of classes, try having like mixes of spearmen and lets say, recruits, knights, cavs, and sniper/archers going at each other at once, you know, big army battles.
4: The snipers would do more damage. They are my 4th favorite unit, especially in Chapter 15 on sacred stones, The wasted plains or something.
BUT, this is pretty awesome none-the-less. Good job.
8/10 and 4/5