put everythig on 999 it has a spaz
Finally. YOU can Bend Bedn!
Sorry bout the auto-spawn. That was an old version thing i was testing. I didnt know it was still there. i was trying to see if you could stream music from the internet through flash.
PS. I am the guy who made Rubber Stick too so dont say i stole it and cheanged the face.
put everythig on 999 it has a spaz
I liked the game overall but it had little graphics.
play with bedn. good concept but, theres so little to do with him.
i made deform and thats the best i had.
yeah , its quite fun for about 1minute , but i think you can make this a game with putting some "game play"
Bend "YOU" till you break!!! >:(
That was trash. The only way i could find that entertaing is if I was high on pot and still I would have to be paid 4million dollars and prodded with a hot iron.... I vomit at your futile attempt at flash gaming