so touching, so true, so informitive.............
Relase your inner BreadfruitLock.
so touching, so true, so informitive.............
Its abput time they learned what breadfruits are.
Now i'm a smelly Breadfruit.
I would describe this flash as potato-like
I laughed, you lazy bastard. :fifen:
OH NOES! I CALLED HIM A BASTARD! ABUSIVE!!!! HOLY SHIT I CALLED HIS MOTHER A SHIT-EATING GERMAN WHORE WITH A GLASS EYE, ONE LEG, AND ORANGE RAT-TEETH! You all should ban me for insulting his two-headed four inch long green penis and the "I'm a Barbie Girl" sticker on his retardation-helmet which matches his hello kitty man thong, which one of the heads of his freak penis sticks out of. Mark this abusive, please, help keep the insults which are being flung at this hunch-backed pedophile off of newgrounds.
Swell! Thanks for the information!
I've always wondered what a Breadfruit was!
Thanks truffle! :D