i was wondering why i looked like a porker LOL
BellClock returns to the restaurant where he once had a date with NefClock. Oh the drama!
I wanted to do like an oldschool BellClock cartoon. It's also been so long since I used him. So here you go. I took a joke and gave it my own style (kinda).
Starring TobaccoClock and me, BellClock
Apologies to Tobacco.
The rest of you, enjoy this I say!
~73h 8311
i was wondering why i looked like a porker LOL
Much <3 to you, Tobacco
This is a pretty nice movie, although this could be a lot better if you would improve some simple things. First of all, about the graphics, the charecters were pretty fine, although they could be better. However, the background seems too solid and doesn't match the charecters at all. It was pretty weird, I don't know really why... Second of all, there is not enough motion in this movie, not a lot of movement. Third of all, the sounds could be a lot clearer, you should add subtitles in the bottom. Fourth of all, the script was pretty simple, and wasn't very funny. Fifth of all, a soundtreck in the background of this movie would add a lot to the style and to the sound of this movie. It was a pretty nice movie, you just need to improve it a bit, to make it a lot better.
Haha, Tobacco got fat.
Was this supposed to be a funny flash? Because I see absolutely no humor in this. Try to be funny next time.
Next time I'll add Yu Gi Oh for you, okay?
Look, it's Harry Potter! And he's raping you in the ass!