it wa ok gut u should work on the graphics more
This is my second in a series of God-knows-how-many movies featuring the audio track of a friend and I. My last movie, Eight is Enough, though funny lacked a background and sophisticated...well anything. Go to that for a cheap laugh. Hell go to this for a cheap laugh. This time the stick figures blink AND wear t-shirts. It's one step up so you can't complain. Vote fairly please as I am not the most talented artist out there.
Note-The british guy isn't contemplating suicide, he's a gun expert and is inspecting a gun. No it's not very realistic, but it's possible. Somehow...
it wa ok gut u should work on the graphics more
The graphics wernt 2 good but it made up on the humor i thought it was quite funny if u improve the graphics on future animations then they will be great improve the sound as well peace out.
IT's a ................... ?
WHAT WAS THAT ??????????????????????????????????????
This is a piece of shit. I'm speechless it was so stupid.
what the hell
this is garbage.