HORRIBLE! WHY the HELL is this shit on?!? nice try though-_- yea right....
I decided to do a short little music vid featuring all of my freinds. It took me about 9 days so I hope you enjoy the movie as much as i did making it.
HORRIBLE! WHY the HELL is this shit on?!? nice try though-_- yea right....
What the hell...? Why post this on Newgrounds? I don't know any of your friends and really don't care who your friends are. Lame. D:
ok... this is Trash....
noone wants to see u and ur frineds on newgroudns.... beside Voteing blma anyone know how to blam somone when underjugment or w/e because i woulda done it to this
It was ok
Nothin' special about this flash. It was good for your first try.
thats peachy an all but...
did you really have to make a flash bout your friends then submit it to newgrounds so hundreds of people can see you and your friends? why couldnt you just leave it on your computer and show it to your friends and not send it here...dam if found it while it was under judgement i wouldve blammed it. i mean honestly, does anyone care? NYERG
Yeah, say that same thing to Tommorows Nobodys, ProjectDCK, Decline, INA, the list goes on and on about ppl and their friends. But, its your opinion.