my m0m letz m3 w@ch famly gie and ply m raited gayms, so evry1 awn internetting must mayk fings eye leyek! mayk gud flash, cuntmelonclock or shud eye sai gheygheygheygheygheygheygheygheygheyc lock cuz weerld be revawlving awrund m3! eye cant compreehnd vat mie op1nyoun nawt @ awl valulabel nad eye am an 3moeshunally stunt3d pursun 4 theenkin vat evree1 maiks fings 4 mie pursonel amoozment.
eye giv dis 10 starz sew vat eye giv u 1 star and 0 star at saming tym!
...Now my eyes hurt.