I'm making this review to un-stretch the title screen
P.S. The movie wasn't half-bad
Hi Wade >:U
I'm making this review to un-stretch the title screen
P.S. The movie wasn't half-bad
((( STRANGE )))
First of all the flash Needs a play button, and maybe a better preloader, as i found myself right clicking to play and it was all just a bland screen and all, remember first impressions are everything, as for the content strange infact the portal like warping sorta messed with my eyes and stuff, it was neat just in a strange way....
All I have to say is that
the visuals during the Bond theme made me sick to my stomach.
Not sure why but man... blech.
I liked the songs
I liked the first part well enough but was bored less than halfway through the Bond Theme part.
I am wondering if you meant to cut if off only a few seconds after Ghost Busters started because you realized you were merely using what you had used for Bond just in different ways or if it was a mistake
It was good work though, I just personally did not find it interesting but you could see the quality of the work
Don't review it if it isn't interesting to you than.
Were off to see the wizard...