a lot of plus and minus to say about this one
1- ... I'm rather anti-christian... but I can easily put this aside and give an objective criticism on your flash. You're right, there are not enough quality christian media. Most Christian media are unprofessionally done and are pretty painful to watch, but this was good.
2- Normally I'd blam something that is just a slideshow with text, but the stained glass effect was nice and it was more than just slideshow, the presentation of images were themed in this way. Also, I could see that you did the drawings yourself (something rare in slideshow-text flashes) so you get a kudos for that.
3- In my opinion, this wasn't a good representation of Jesus' life. You only showed the most well known areas (the Beatitudes, feeding of 5000, prayer for respite and crucifixion)... I would really have liked to have seen (perhaps with a bit more energy, Jesus was far from a sleepy boring teacher) his trial in the desert, him saving Magdalene, trashing the temple... maybe this is just taste though, since these are some of his actions that I particularly enjoyed... I would love to have seen a scene where he casted the demons into pigs... but that may have been too comical for the nature of this flash
bottom line: pretty good... despite my being anti-christian I do enjoy it as a mythology and I'd love to see what you could do to try to personalize jesus and present him in a way that people can understand. (looking forward to another one: but not a slide show please)