good job though
its too hard to understand
Two clay guys fighting. They're pretty boringly modeled, but there's a "guest-appearance" of a clay version of someone you might find to be familiar. ;)
good job though
its too hard to understand
Umm, kind of boring.
I was sort of boring and the characters were bland. Maybe you should use some more colour and maybe some sound effects. The yoshi was really good though!! That was made of clay! WOW!
You will always suck... that is all...
Dear Jackeroonie... You know I hate anything and everything you do... so of course I rated this very low.. hahaha I am evil that is right! ANywhoo best not one ive seen u do ive seen u do better but I give u a TEN hooooweyyyyyy actually I gave you a goose egg! MUAH
that is all... love ur bff smack!
Hey Shawna... Geez, you have the weirddest reviews I've ever read. Lol "you will always suck...that is all..." that made me laugh ^_^ I can just see you aying all this outloud to me heheheheh. Seeya at school, Smack.
I saw something i thought was cool...
Was that a clay Yoshi or a Plastic toy thing? If it was caly, than that was a really really good model.
It was all clay, modelled by myself. Thanks for the review.
Not really my kind of thing, i like it, just not really what i like. Still good though.
Ok, thanks... I take it your not too fond of stop-motion but that's alright. Thanks for the review! :)