did u draw those anime characters? cause if u did they're awesome!!
*I re-edited the submission on newgrounds with the right dimentions this time.
This took me quite a while as for making all the tweening and adding the special effects, but I'm glad with the results.
The characters are from War of Genesis
Please let me know what you think of it!
>Please review!
did u draw those anime characters? cause if u did they're awesome!!
Amazing box
This is a truly amazing flash espicially the opening. The animation is awesome and the music is almost synch'd with it. Keep it up
Good job. Liked the song, liked your effects. I know that most of them were basic, but you added style to them and sorta bumped the movements along with the music. I've made many music videos myself and I know it can be a tough thing to do. Keep up the good work.
I'm assuming you didn't draw them, I think I saw those from a video game or anime somewhere.
It was ok, but it was lacking.
Your use of flash seemed minimal, moving the character images across the screen, fading to black, zoom in and out, all kinda basic.
The music was ok, nothing to complain about.
It would've been better if there was some text or something to indicate what this movie is about, or the names of the characters, or adjectives to describe the character, I dunno.
Just a question, where DID you get the character animations from, they're vaguely familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Extremely Unique
I think you did a great job on creating something different from all the flash artists on this website. However, it seems more like a trailer with random images... but none-the-less it was still quite the "eye candy". Hopefully you can turn this into something else with that creative mind of yours.