Quite Well
I liked it alot and the White Stripes are'nt brother and sister. They were married once and got divorced.
The White Stripes Go outside
Quite Well
I liked it alot and the White Stripes are'nt brother and sister. They were married once and got divorced.
to evry1 behind me
YOURE ALL IDIOTS! they ARE brother and sister.
tho the author: keep in mind they are brother and sister so tht 1 part was weird but other than that it was kinda kool...u shuda kept the same type of animation throughtout tho
to the guy behind me
no offense but i think ur guitar teacher is full of it. if u listen to meg she does keep the rythym. and with jack he would kick ur teachers ass.
great flash good sound i like ur style u kept to there clothing well
i like the ending that sucked
jack white is divorced with meg and has a pregnant wife (but i dont know who that is)
to the guy who reviewed behind me:
Im almost certain its his sister but ya im probably wrong.
My guitar teacher was talking about how bad they are and how alful the sister is lol he says, that she just hits the drums on a like metronome lol he says shes awful. He also says hes better than ajck white, Which I belive i dont think its him jsut being conceeded and that jack just has a good voice, but i still like them:
Now to the movie:
Nice graphics, Nice sound, really "Nice" everything But just not stunning.
Still A good flash though!
Okay....That was alright. I was expecting more after I waited that long for it to load, but okay.....
To the Redswirl, Meg and Jack are ex-husband and wife, not siblings