7 hours later? and what the hell happend too him? he was all screwd up when u over exaggerated how long he was high.
yay....thats my second flash /o/, the music is superman by goldfinger... hope u guys enjoy it and please try to coments with opnions to make me a etter flash animator, im just starting after all...
7 hours later? and what the hell happend too him? he was all screwd up when u over exaggerated how long he was high.
I don't know if the beginning of superman was supposed to sound drugged, but it really fit!
Nice work!
omg!!! i want to stay stooned like him!!!
lol, pretty good work man, not the best but it made me laugh a lot xp!! keep up with the good work and i ll be there to watch and review ur next submissions.
yay!! another fan /o/!!! u surely will my friend, because i have a good weed here with me... and ill make it cheap for u.. lol
The graphics vcould have been better but they sloted in well. i loved the music and found the part where hes getting stoned hiarious. a thumbs up!!!
thnks =D, i ll try to make better draws on my next flash, so dun worry ;]
Whatever weed he was on was laced with something else if he was hallucinating like that!
probably u.u, maybe he was just crazy =P