thats what i want to know strife.....
Why are half my votes not getting scores? Could it be that scores that never got above 0 dont get a score written on it?
The Return of FOG is eminent....but other than that, it should be a good year, don't you think?
thats what i want to know strife.....
Why are half my votes not getting scores? Could it be that scores that never got above 0 dont get a score written on it?
Of course your votes are getting score...sometimes more happens then what you see. Don't ask me about why your votes arn't scored; ask Tom in an angry letter for all of us. But don't take it out on my flashes. It's like punching the cashier at the local supermarket because they won't accept your coupon? Is that what you're like? Eh? Yeah that's what I thought.