People Just Don't Get It
I voted a 5 on this one because it made me laugh. I'm pretty sure that most people just don't get the joke you were going for and thought you were serious.
Everyone else, what he was going for:
He's making fun of the fact that most people will vote a 5 for a new entry just to give themselves a better chance at scoring a protection point (not to mention the 2 points you get for voting at all). So, who is the whore here, the guy who made the film or the people who voted 5 without getting past the loading screen. (And you are right, the nice loading bar, slick set up, and the play button obviously mean that you know what you are doing and will be protected!)
Finaly, if you didn't understand the movie, watch it again and read the loading screen, it pretty much spells it out for you.