Excellant anime art
Part two of my Arien quest:
I qualify my title Excellant art with the word anime because many people do not considet anime to be excellant but irritating and silly- you have to face that when you look at your reviews and your score on a general-purpose flash animation website. It doesn't mean you shouldn't come here or something if a few people don't like it- you jsut need to bear it in mind.
Again it says in the notes for submission to consider the Alphas for test/previews/teasers and you have blatnetly dumped something which has little entertainment value on its own in as a submission. Again you have got a good score becuase people recognise the skill in the work and wanted to encourage you despite another dreadful title- the kind of thing you call a file in your computer, or maybe in the alphas- not the kind of thing you want when you upload it. Newgrounds is the biggest flash website out there and shiploads of people come here- thye are not your mates popping by to see how you are getting on- that what Devian Tarts do (lol I am one) stat whores come to get stats and the rest come to be entertained, so imagine you are submitting to a cinema!
this time I have not studied your reviews- we are asked not to review others reviews and I risked my reputation to give you advice with the other one.
Trust me- I am on your side, however stroppy I sound!
Best Wishes,