it took so long to load
PLEASE WATCH ALL OF THE ANIMATION before you make a comment.
There won't be a sequel unless people specifically request it. The start of this movie is a bit gash, but it vastly improves toward the end. Incorporating 3d, blood and cool music. Sorry if you don't like it.
it took so long to load
LOL, that was one of the craziest movies I have seen. It made no sense but I was still rolling on the floor laughing. Also, great 3D bullet affects. Good movie.
Ninja Raped
At first I thought this flash was going to be boring. But then it gets interesting. It starts off serious in the begining. then it starts to get funny. But it is also disturbing how the master made his way with the ninja. If you know what I mean.
That was pretty crude
when I saw the loading screen I thought to myself this is gonna suck but it was realy quite well done. Corect me if I'm wrong it looks like you were just messing around at first then you realy got into it and I know how hard flash can be and I suck so thats a job done well
Hehehehe Good one Paddy...
Liked it alot.
Hey, you even got someone to get his thumb outof his arss ! LOL