Brings back memory's of dial-up..
Great and short flash made there for the early hours of the morning. I enjoyed the ending to, but mabey you could of included that radio music for the ending credits. Anyway great flash and keep it up.
I made this cartoon in the wee hours of the morn'. No, it's not supposed to make sense.
Brings back memory's of dial-up..
Great and short flash made there for the early hours of the morning. I enjoyed the ending to, but mabey you could of included that radio music for the ending credits. Anyway great flash and keep it up.
Wenis- wwweeee nees-
1. the small flap of skin on ur elbow
2. sumthin feargreed thinks is a combination between wanker and penis
add me to aim everyguyintown WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
For a flash you made in wee hours of a morning, this isn't that bad. *sigh* reminds me of my days on dial-up.
So True
Hilarious. The best part is that it's true. At least for those of us with dial-up. As RyanAn said, sometimes you DO want to fall asleep while connecting. I know I have. I woke up half an hour later, all the while connected to the internet. Not long after I started using it, I got disconnected. IT NEVER ENDS!
by the way, great ending!
When a man wants to to connect to the internet, he finds that it is not as simple as it could be. And when it does, it is quite surprising. to believe the ending. :)I can definately empathize with the character nearly falling asleep waiting for his chance at checking out internet. I nearly fall asleep all of the time when I am on the computer, and I am sure dial-up connector's take a daily snooze. :)The artwork is very simple, but fits in with the movie. My favorite part was the ending, quite intriging.