nice, man
that was really good. you should really have a play button instead of a continuing loop.
however, you can probably get by with raw flash talent.
this is just a preview i just want advice about it if you like it i will go back and clean it up cause it is very messy
nice, man
that was really good. you should really have a play button instead of a continuing loop.
however, you can probably get by with raw flash talent.
Dude,(or dudette), that was cool graphics and it was amazing how it resembled Danny the Dog at the beginning of the movie where he goes ballistic on the thugs. good work yo, keep it up. peace.
needs alot of work. this is a preview... for what. It needs a story. and you need to clean it up a little.
wtf was that
moes was good nothing else
It's all about style...
Style points man...The moves were just so good...I think if you made the sounds less like car crashes, and slapped some good moves in sequence, you may have something...Good none-the-less...good job man.