This is my favorite movie...
...and it will always be high on my list.
CarrotGlock once saved a starving Ethiopian.
CarrotGlock once donated blood to cancer.
CarrotGlock once saved the rainforests from evil business men.
Only CarrotGlock.
This is my favorite movie...
...and it will always be high on my list.
Excellent, thanks.
Don't know why, but I really like this movie
Can't quite put my finger on it, but... something just seems frighteningly familiar about it. Like... I've seen this somewhere before. It's almost as if I made this movie four or five years ago, only with Clocks instead of Glocks, and submitted it to Newgrounds.
Nah, can't B
Well i certainly didn't expect that. Thanks for the pretty cool reviews eheghesf.
that was unbalievably bad. but i voted fifen to make up for all the antiglock's 0's. i gave you 3 extra points for when you said "You like simdates and foamy. Shut up." roflz!
Heh, thanks.
Guess I've got to praise you...
for being able to bring all this shit into the Portal. Incredible.
How do you even find enough supporters (read: Ghost Accounts) to help yourself bringing in some of the worst movies ever to pass my judgeful eye? And stop the flashing colors, goddammit. You're not funny. Perhaps your dipshit fans may find that you are, well, you get to keep them, helps you boost your obviously low self-esteem while we try to figure out a way to get you banned, your submissions deleted, your names wiped out of Newgrounds history, and then the Portal can perhaps become the beautiful place it used to be! But for now, we're going to have to withstand this godawful bombardement of total, entire and utter crap and pray that we shall not fall victim to your everlasting parade of Turdmaterial!
End it. End the rain of submissions, please. You're not working up towards credibility here.
Seems like the StrawberryClock spirit lingers on...
And more crap.
Your review is crap :(