wow that must have taken ages well done
that was pretty nifty did you have to print screen for each frame?
Kinda crappy...anyway enjoy.
wow that must have taken ages well done
that was pretty nifty did you have to print screen for each frame?
something that's a tutorial... not really a good idea.. including clocks? not a good idea either... two things that have been done many many times on newgrounds. The key to success is originality. The only thing that I liked really was that you showed how to make it by animating it and had good music... other than that... you should have came up with something else. :P
now i can join the clock crew! SWEET! wait no the clock crew sucks. the clock sucked 2 u didnt even animate the clock which would have been extremely simple. that sucked. has nothing to teach anyone.
ahh, a high concept piece :D
Just want to correct this dick
"Even will all these tools at your disposal you still managed to make the clock wrong.
Grphics were used witha screen capture program so no real animation was really done."
Well dumass, You don't need a 'screen capture program' you dick. Are you retarded? And he did animate IT MOVES! FANCY THAT! And he was just showing you haw to make a clock, he wasn't showing you how to draw.