the voices suck
it was kool hopefuly u make more if u do u rely need to fix those voices u can hear wut the say but u have to listen hard i like how u made it look like an old kung foo movie
The Shogun imposes an annual tax on the Super Amazing Ninja Master's dojo, it seems the school must reopen.
the voices suck
it was kool hopefuly u make more if u do u rely need to fix those voices u can hear wut the say but u have to listen hard i like how u made it look like an old kung foo movie
I like the characters, they look realy cool. I also liked how the style of the movie was. I dont even know if you meant to do this but the sound and music as well as picture werent the greatest. But this made it look and feel like an old ninja movie. Next time too try to make the story more exciting! Good job - Taylor Ross A.K.A. sly_eye17
not too shabby
great job man. i liked the detail on the characters, but one minor thing grabbed me; the sound. i had to turn up the sound on my speakers to hear eveything clearer, although i did recognize the first piece of music (Charlotte's theme from Samurai Showdown 4). still, this was pretty good. keep it up.
Good Good
That was a lot better than most online claymations I have seen. I really like the style of the characters. I think that they looked a lot better than the simple block head look that a lot of people on newgrounds use.
it was smooothe with the grooove :rambo: