Best in show maybe
It was alright. Animation was decent. It was pretty good.
Bested in Show
©No Evil Productions 2005
concept: Kat Caverly
directed by Kat Caverly
screenplay by Thomas Hudson Reeve
animation by Leslie Rogers
Sound Design and Music by Chris Leap
Thomas Hudson Reeve
Denny Bess
Benjamin Quinto
Best in show maybe
It was alright. Animation was decent. It was pretty good.
That was wrong, but funny.
That wasn't that bad. Animation style looked like it could've been from Nickelodeon or something.
That made me laugh so hard - I take my hat off to you.
I wonder why this hasn't got millions of views, or more than 15 reviews, or more than 500 votes, or why it isn't in a catergory, like funny toons. I submitted it to to funny toons collection. I really enjoyed this piece of work.
keep up the good work
good flash. i realy like it
I loved it!
The flash was great! Graphics were very well done, in my opinion. The notable characters were also easy to point out. I found the subtle jokes funny... And trust me, there were jokes, people. Guess you just have to be in the know! ^^
Keep it up!
Gothic Beauty