Great script! Love the graphics!
Ha ha ha...some funny shit! I always knew something went on in the locker rooms with those cheerleaders :) Once again, great animations and i laughed pretty darn hard. Good work guys! Love the site.
Great script! Love the graphics!
Ha ha ha...some funny shit! I always knew something went on in the locker rooms with those cheerleaders :) Once again, great animations and i laughed pretty darn hard. Good work guys! Love the site.
Um...I don't know what to say, boner?
Yeah, got to hand it too you. Always knew that cheerleaders were licking eachother in the locker. But the boner. WTF! I like the Cindy character, the lone chick at the bar and the ex cheerleader smut. Bar tender is very graphic as is all the commentary. I like it.
Suhweet! Just like all ya other ones!
eew ya freak!
July 24, 2005
Reviewed by: PhaedrusAlius
Overall Score: 9
Not only did it get to a completely relevant issue ***(those damn conservatives taking over the world and no one to stop em)***
---- Right to the point, comrades. Another piece of good sarcasm from liberal side on Newgrounds.
Kinda funny, kinda lame.