burrowing owls in a forest?
were gonna die?
the easter egg was lame, sorry
OK, it dosent matter.
I wanted this blammed because i messed up all the buttons and sound and i wanted to start agina but Nooooo you people didnt want that
The creepy thing is some people LIKED it i mean, OMG come on! i think this sucked but it won turd of the week so i must be shit
burrowing owls in a forest?
were gonna die?
the easter egg was lame, sorry
the good:
you had sound in it, some animations and some backgrounds.
the bad:
most of the clips made no sense.
the ugly:
put more thought into your flashes! and if you want to get rid of this, you can delete your submission yourself, thanks to the redisign.
People liked this? I think I know why.
My theory: It's so bad that it's hilarious.
I've seen absolutely horrible stuff here on NG that was either too confusing, too pointless, or too offensive. (Because it's labeled as random stuff, pointless doesn't apply to this.) This was just really cheesy and low quality, enough to make people laugh and give it a passing grade.
If you watch some of the old 60's sci-fi movies (which I highly don't recommend), you'll understand my theory. Those things were just so funny because of the really bad special effects. This Flash falls in the same category, except that I don't make fun of it.
not the worst thing I've seen...
... but not the best either.
mindless was definatly the key word there. it was that bad i think my brain has imploded