smeg this!
you get my blam power for being boring! haha!! omgz I'm a L337 h4x0r??? oh hang on, that was you omgz, bbBORING~~
first flash animation i made, so go easy on it, and sorry for all u verison fans out there but i like cingular
smeg this!
you get my blam power for being boring! haha!! omgz I'm a L337 h4x0r??? oh hang on, that was you omgz, bbBORING~~
thats all right the graphics are good its not too funny only once made me chuckle
Okay, that was bad...
I know it was your first try, but you could have made it better... The drawings were okay... I liked they way you changed the screens, that was pretty funny. And also, just to let everyone know, I might have my first animation coming out soon. It's a stick movie, so you're warned...
Pretty funny
It was a good concept and good for your first flash try to make things happen faster especially the transitions with the phones and think up some more scenarios for the guy to be in. Also your sound needs to be clearer and that can be done with simple demo editing software.
Just make these minor changes and you may end up with a five.
some pointers
1- speed things up. you are taking way too long to do things. The verizon phone should have been way faster and there are too many awkward silences.
2- your subject matter has been done to death and it has really lost it's laugh factor. I recommend coming up with your own humorous ideas next time.
3- a short flash is not a bad thing. your flash could have been trimmed down to 30 seconds and been just as effective. you don't have to fill space just to give people a reason to keep watching. try taking a lot of frames out of this flash and watching it yourself. you might be surprised at the result.