Nice animation and ideas. See for yourself!
REscue:part 2 is like a paper-mache. With basic materials and great skills the author created interesting film, that many will find good.
The film and the animation are made strictly in 2D (kind of reminds Paper Mario). It looks litle crappy when the characters turns their heads. Thought the characters are drawn and animated very good (movement, also you can see they have style) they lack this smoothness so liked in Flash. Hopefully the the water run effects are just wicked, and the impression of growing city when the female character flies up is wonderful.
In my opinion, the story is just an excuse for the other, better parts of the film. It's just about another hero rescuing another girls from not everyday evil thingy. But I enjoyed the moments when Ken felt down on the street or when he gets slapped by a girl (looked more like being slapped by 1 ton hammer:) Details like that keeps the viewers near the screen. Also thought the story doesn't amaze us, it's always better than a non-story related fighting clip.
The music is the least thing in the film. We notice it for the first time in the opening. It is either badly compiled, or low quality, but neither one is suitable for someone with who appreciate a good piece of audio work. Personally i couldn't make anything of the music in the opening. The only audio i enjoyed was the fighting sounds and Ken sayings (any other charactes were mumbling under their noses).
The overall is good. The grahpics bring fresh ideas in the world of Flash animation, the music not. Worthy viewing to se some great ideas :)
P. S. I would give it 7 if it weren't for the ZEBRA in the beginning and the end of te film. It's not what it was doing there, it's what Ken was doing with it 'o_0'