funny as hell big bro ...............yes we're related ......its true!
(Just watch the credits.)
This is my first "accepted" movie. I usually get blammed for everything I ever put in. But one day I decided to do a sprite movie, and it just seemed so easy to do. I know they say you should at least spend 2 weeks on a movie, but I spent about 8 hours working on it. touching it up here and there. but I think sprite movies is the medium for me, so I guess I'll just make another one. possibly a sequel, who knows. thanks for keeping me alive!
funny as hell big bro ...............yes we're related ......its true!
Pretty funny
It wasn't made that well but it did have it's moments.
you stole someones sound track...but oh well
it was good and STOP STEALING SOUND TRACKS!!!!!
it's not stealing when you credit something, and don't get paid. I also couldn't find the name of the orchestrated version
are you the matrix!
when i watched this i had the same game on cause i set up my nintendo and i was playin it and i was at the bottom of the place!then my bro goes and makes mario goes dwn 2 da pole!make more nintendo once plz!(try dragon spirit its my fav thanks!)
well hes the president
omfg you made out like he actually had a tiny spark of talent, you went overboard on how good he was, im dissapointed, kidding, that was funny!