20 variables with 12 constraints, so it wasn't hard to come up with a solution:
3797, 9687, 6 486, 43 63, 4576
I say that because after refreshing it a few times, it's apparent the board or clues never change so this solves this whole game in general.
The problems are, the interface for entering it in and the fact that it doesn't identify it when you've solved it. So you click it once and it turns gray and you can use the arrow keys to change the number in the box when you hit the right and left arrow keys. If you click it again it turns blue and it locks the value. You can have any of the squares in any combination of blue and gray (or white if you haven't clicked on it yet), and the left and right arrows will always modify the first one, reading left to right, up to down, which is still gray, so if you turn the first square gray, you won't be able to modify any others until you make it blue and hitting the left and right arrows will only modify that first square's number, it doesn't matter what other squares you click on and what colors you make them. When you click on a blue square to make it gray again, it resets its value to 1, so you can't have more than one square white without all but the active one containing the number 1. This is not properly explained in the instructions. And that's annoying.
But what really kills all point to the game is that when you enter in a valid solution and hit the Check button with all the squares blue and in a valid solution, nothing happens. If you have a valid solution and hit the check button with all squares blue but with one square white, it tells you it's not completed. And of course there is no way to try it with all the squares white because it will reset all but one of them to contain "1" when you click on a blue square to make it white. So fail.
I just felt like writing about what was actually wrong with it to juxtapose with what the idiots below me (last review in 2002!) which is basically "duh, I'm to stopid 4 math, maths suxs because I failed it in 3th grade, durr your gay". And the game DOES suck. But I feel that the arguments against it should be valid ones. Tell why it actually sucks. There are so many valid points you can make against this game, you don't need to fall back on bad ones.