that was a sweet Movie I have Seen here on Newgrounds. keep up the awesome Work.
Well it's obviously not the most stunning flash, but I'm proud of it. Just a simple turtle thing jumpin' around.
Tell me what you think; good bad and everywhere in between. I don't care, I can take it. But if you wanna be nice and tell me what to do make it better, I'll be very grateful.
This is my first flash ever. It is a school project, and I got like 100% on it. I had to make the music myself by cutting up the original song (The Kids in the Hall Theme) and pasting it together using Nuendo. Maybe that's why the file is so damn huge. I tried compressing the audio, but the file size wouldn't budge. Thanks for the reviews. Cheers
-updated with replay button. Thans for the suggestions. Keep them comin'
that was a sweet Movie I have Seen here on Newgrounds. keep up the awesome Work.
That was one of the cutest things I've seen today X)
I honestly thought this was pretty good!
It was mildly entertaining to say the least, but for a school project not bad at all! Keep up the flash making!
all together not so cool...but what is cool is that you used the kids in the hall theme!! that's friggin' awesome right there!
its funny i like it i like turtles to =)