you asshole thats my baby picture!!
Ok this isnt a full episode, its just sort of a... reminder
you asshole thats my baby picture!!
Good, What we need to do is...
Work on the graphics, The drawing needs a little work, but it is pretty funny I have to say, I did chuckle a little. So you make me laugh, that doesn't mean I am done. I love the fact you have responded to the questions you have been berated with. Hopefully now thay will all understand... And we will all live in a land of honeydew and chocolate covered supermodels.
You sick twisted fuc... wait sorry i thought you said MOUNTAIN dew
not bad
u know ur graphics need work so just keep at it.
A dlash only to your fans? wow slim pickings eh?
Jokes on you, i dont have any fans... wait a second, thats wat you meant...
That was fine...
The beginning was hilarious and the poster was f***'n funny, but besides that, well........
4 out of 10