Im just rating it 10, but here is my truthful news
Ok, please re make that game here are my sudgestions:
every other level, new character
more defenceive options exaples:mines, differant "guns"(make money able to buy GUNS and instead of clicking, you shoot the enemys down. therefore people spend a lot of time useing new guns examples 5 guns start with pistol, uzi, shotgun, sniper, basooka and it would cost money or ammo) Add auto turrets (machine gun turrets that fire automaticly) and make createive differant bad guys every other level, and just to make the game createive and original, idk, make the ppl newgrounds characters and call it something like "fall of newgrounds, defend newgrounds from it killing itself" and the entire game your mowing characters down with fucking M4's. Please dont make fun of me for my sudgestions.