We would just like to thank Tom (and his crew) for putting us on the front page and all the people who either liked our work or at least found a way to be constructive about not liking it. This means a lot to us.
This is a joint project we did for our Audio Flash class. Hope everyone enjoys!
*UPDATE* Ben Pfaff (Honey_Man) did the first half, and Billy Woodward did the second you know. Also by popular demand if you go to
you can get access to the song used
in this flash animation!
........copyright 2005
It was a series of unrelated events alright!
That was a fun movie to watch! Full of surprises too!
Hmm.. It was strange
Strange is good ^-^
GOOD video quality... shitty music :(
well what i said up top pretty much sums it up. soo, um make more cuz you have awesome drawling skills just shitty taste in music. even korn sux so no more of them in any of your videos. well GJ and i hope to see some more from you :) one more thing..... magnets stuck to mexicans??? lmao wtf