well it was kind of interesting to see ASCII to a music video...kind of reminds me of bb (Linux fans might know what im talking about here...). the movie itself seemed rather slow and boring though, but if u just changed a few things u could turn it into something really good. as for the choice of music, it kind of almost fits with the animation u chose. bleh, i dont care too much for rammstein myself...though they do have some good songs. anyways, back to my point, it wasnt too bad overall but it was just missing something....i mean all it was is a couple ascii tanks and people walking across the screen...and then it cut out to "insert pwn here".
as for the german trying to a rave, u should check out blümchen (in english, that is, blossom). she's had a lot of techno-ish songs out there that were new and creative. go downloading 'heut ist mein tag', or 'herz am not', or 'boomerang'. if u dont like techno, then she also does some slower songs like 'du bist die insel' or 'eisblumen', but one of the most interesting is ''. i only mentioned that because sehnsucht was also the title of the song used in this animation...but u'll see a totally different meaning. sehnsucht is german for longing or desire...which if u dont know any german u would never have guessed from listening to this flash.
good job and keep at it.