not bad
even though alot of people have done these kind of flashes... i thought this really good! keep up the good work
Woah! this movie is just piece
of CRAP! my english is so bad!
This is total piece of shit!
this wont get more than 1.90
Coz it CRAP!
not bad
even though alot of people have done these kind of flashes... i thought this really good! keep up the good work
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB You gave this entry a B, Raising it's score from A.BBBB to B.BBBB
I thought it was okay... I liked the ending too :}
The only english error I saw was the "I will revenge!". It should be "I will avenge"
((( GOOD )))
It was pretty good, i like the fact you put effort into the backgrounds, guns, clocks, and everything else. It was entertaining to watch those clocks go at it hehe. The voices were ok and the story is cool...
Thanks dude!
Is it just me...
Or have you watched my perrynators? "banana locks" lol...My banana lock idea---you stoled it >:(
well,it was g00d anyhow..
hmm. not watched them all but i watched other submisions
of you, i saw banana locks
but i dont saw same story!
i will watch now your all
perrynators, but i realy didnt meant
to take your idea, if you its same idea Sorry. i just think banana locks are
funny to kill. i like your movie
"True Hacker 2"