hilarious when like boom when they like -_-
This is my first submission, I got the idea when my friend randomly said the word cooties one day. This has taken me about a week to do, and most of the events are ideas my friends gave me, Hope you enjoy!
hilarious when like boom when they like -_-
omfg that was so funny i shat 12 times in a secend . good job
that was great!
i especiall like the ff7 music theme stuff, but that was excellent!
This is probably the coolest thing on newgrounds, even though the creator is probably some looser with curly brown hair, tall, and is probably named something weird like Woods/ Hunter/ or the worst FOREST!!! lolllllllll!!!111
P.S. thats my last diet coke you ass hole!!!
Graphics were clean & simple - good effort!
I was waiting for the girl to wipe her hands in disgust :-)