Animation was okay looking forward to more submissions
PLEASE READ: I'm going to say this here as it would not fit in.. This is not complete, it is a DEMO.. so it is not finished yet. Anyhoe, as I always say...
Animation was okay looking forward to more submissions
super piece of ssssssht
Not the best Animation....
It`s bad... Very bad......................
It´s a demo but it needs GOOD Animations.
ohhoooooohhhh kaaaaaaaaaayyyy.....
when i played this game i thought like, wtf.
crappy animations but still. need allot o improvements!
grahic improvements, more weps, better animated blood, and when he blows like all blood 'on the screen' and than someguy who wip it for ye. that would make ik funny to har har har =P
or watch a vid on youtube to maake good vids, u should try it ky? gl with teh future vids/gms
That was the worst sitck killing i have every seen your game sucks!!!