That was fucking funny!
I WATCHED IT LIKE 5 TIMES! Go go go! Shit shit shit!
McNeb And Gohan go on a robbery, only to find out that they cant escape in a cardboard car!
That was fucking funny!
I WATCHED IT LIKE 5 TIMES! Go go go! Shit shit shit!
It was kinda funny... but way to short, and somewhat stupid. I mean they jump into a card board car and then blow it up then done. Really pointless.
i dont think mcneb did this. he isnt that pro making backrounds. well, it was kinda nice, to short btw but it was nicey nice. hope to see more....
:O!, The Pie Is In Da House, Me and James are eating Dill Pickles
I hate those locks and the sounds :) But it was well made, just hate the lock thingies =)
Thanks for the well made part but for the rest you can suck my balls =]