Conspiracy theorist obviously
We'll do this in sections:
Flouride: Flourine isn't actually in atomic bombs. Flourine is used to separate U235 from U238 by creating gaseous Uranium hexa-flouride after the centrifuge process. Potentially any of the gases on that column of the periodic table could be used to do this, flourine is just that which is easiest to obtain in a pure form. Hence, the flourine is key to the atom bomb is factually incorrect; which hurts your government control arguments. By the way, this is considered WAY out there politically because nearly all purposeful flouridation is kept within healthy limits.
Economics: This is what I have my degree in and your entire basis is wrong. Your introduction is largely based in mercantilist theory which has been not taken seriously in over 75 years and been replaced by Keynesian economics. All of the standard oil stuff has been fixed by Anti-trust law. You have very little evidence of Wal-Mart destroying supplier businesses. In terms of oil, terrorist organizations don't have direct access to oil funds. They would have to have money transferred to them
Suggestions: If you're actually interested in these topics rather than reading conspiracy theories about MK Ultra and John Birch stuff about flouridation, you should pick up a few other books. Primarily, I reccomend Michel Foucault's "Discipline and Punish" Also if you want to learn about the role of oil and middle eastern politics in a geopolitical sense I recommend "The Persian Puzzle" by Kenneth Pollack.