he dose not say dammit he says don't even try demon i shot a elite in the head and he said it backwards so i reversed the video and he said do not even try demon
5-7-05: *Update* Due to several complaints, the sounds' volumes have been increased by 300%.
5-7-05: *Update* A Stop Sounds button and two more quotes have been added.
It's not really a game like it says it is, just an interactive movie. In Halo 1, there's a creature known as an Elite, as alot of you should know, who speaks backwards. Here are a few translations of what the Elite says. A few I don't know what they say, but here's what I DO know:
1. Kill that thing.
2. First one: It's me - Second: Roadkill(Thnx, Krulin)
3. Look out
4. Grab 'Em All! (Thnx fae_daemon)
5. Go go go. (I thought wort was a war cry, too.)
6. Don't even try, soldier.
7. Demon! (Guess they said it BEFORE Halo 2, too)
If one of the people I creditted gave me the wrong quote of the Elite, please tell me. I'll give you credit for finding out what he says.
he dose not say dammit he says don't even try demon i shot a elite in the head and he said it backwards so i reversed the video and he said do not even try demon
So when i shoot a grunt in his head, he says DAMMIT! ?
grunt: AHH!!! bagel!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahha hahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah hh
lol #3
sounds like "BAGEL!"
Before i saw this i have always wondered what they said. yo me it was all jibberish. Thanks dude!