I quite liked it, especially the old laady being hit.
Batmans Back, And With a Batcar... mobile.. thing...
I quite liked it, especially the old laady being hit.
I laugh only one time when I watchd this... When the old woman got flat by the batmobile... that was the point where I laughd.
i like it the way batman was sick of saveing anybody
I don't believe there is a word for that
I had to give it a bit of a higher rating because the old lady getting hit got a smile out of me. But other than that, it was pretty terrible. Since when has Batman had an english accent? Since when has he eaten Jammy Dodgers? That's just not doing Batman justice. I am aware that this is poking fun at Batman, but you could have done it so much better.
Sorry but...
This was freakin' awesome! WOOT nanananannnana batman!!!