please make more!!! please!!!
This is a truly amazing film. Enjoy!
please make more!!! please!!!
i really like the graphix i would gess u have traced the film (the one u recorded) frame by frame using lines and filling the colors? well GOOD WORK KEEP IT UP it mush have taken alot of effort!
that damn associate!!
lol, well i havent seen the other two episodes i dont think... but this one was pretty good from my point of view. the graphics were really nice, and im interested to know how you made them... the drawing of the main character's gun at the very start looked almost professionally animated, and overall the music went well with this ep, and it was entertaining. keep up the good work.
i know everyone keeps saying "great animation", but in reality you didn't animate anything at all. you just took a real movie, and photoshopped each individual frame. the story was absolutely pointness, but you get credit for originality. i think you should make another movie with a story that doesn't suck.
That was cool shit, I like your style.