awesome :D
that was hilarious, i especially like the mitler poster xD great
IN case you didn't know, Harvest Moon is a game where you water plants. I'm sorry about the music, I didn't know about the portal before I made this. Anyway, this cartoon is blasphemous and funny as heck!
awesome :D
that was hilarious, i especially like the mitler poster xD great
what is even more awesome than your positive review is the fact that you watched this video 2 years after I made it. Thanks for stumbling upon it! ^_^/
Awesome Cartoon. five stars.
It was nice.
(I'm hooked to Harvets Moon by the way, who'd think watering plants would be so much fun) That some nice graphics. I say this cartoon is good. I laughed with the plant thing. If there's Pokemon in heaven, I'm not going.
nice work
This is going in my favorites! It insults god in a way..........but it was awesome!!
That was very predictable.