Alright game with a decent soundtrack
The further you go, the more points you make. Pick up bonus items and get 'near misses' to see if you can place on the high score leader board...
Now faster and harder with higher bonuses and 'near misses'. Sound coming soon.
Alright game with a decent soundtrack
its ok
its an ok game but there needs more variety like going faster crazy cars obstacles and a little sound
I liked this.
Maybe you can add music or sound effects.
(WooHoo, I got a high score!)
Graphics: A bunch of bitmaps. No flash-drawn objects, other than the main menu and the bonus points.
Style: Pretty original. Needs more variety, though. ie. More than two lanes or super-boost, or something. Its just too slow, and gets boring quickly.
Sound: Absolutely no sound. You gotta add some sound to make it a great game.
Its a good game overall. But could do with some soud effects and background music.
addictive little time waster :)
cute, fun, inventive and addictive - love it! graphics are wicked but i agree it lacks sound. add those and you've got yourself a winner! the pace was fine for me - however i'm awful at these kinds of games... :P