It was funny, but had no storyline buddy, but thats what me and u are all about, complete nothingness
It was funny, but had no storyline buddy, but thats what me and u are all about, complete nothingness
I am glad that you say some of the beauty in this craptastic animation. Thanks for the good rating.
there were so many problems. where to begin?
instead of stating everything that was wrong with this flash i'm going to focus on one small fact. the chicken told the lawn gnome to go to wisconsin. you then drew the gnome walking across a map. where did he end up? michigan. you told him to go to wosconsin, put him in michigan and drew a sign saying "welcome to wisconsin". please, like so many other contributors to newgrounds need to do, take advantage of public education. GO TO SCHOOL!!!!! learn something. pull yourself out of the whole of ignornance and stupidity in which you have existed you entire life.
I'm sorry to say it man, but you should look a little closer at the animation. Anyone and their dog could tell you that he is clearly in Wisconsin. Nice try. And at least my education allows me to spell Wisconsin correctly.
okay i have ment Kyle b4 and all you people who dissed this you suck !!!!!!!!!!!! cuz it was great lol i mean i laughed my ass off and stiil do when i watch it maybe thats cuz i have friends and we were watching it on her computer and had fun in a group! so and you know what his sound is great in this ! you know what i couldnt have done it and i would like to see you do better panseys!
Not worth the time
Bad animation, jokes that just aren't funny and a complete lack of interesting plot to make up for it. Save yourself some time -- rate it a 0-2 and move on.