I love Andrew
I really love your kinda bisarre style.
Keep up the good work.
A quick movie in reponse to "Comic Relief", an event in the UK where everyone donates to charity because some pompous dim-witted attention-grabbing celebrity on the television tells them to. After being called "Scrooge" all day in my place of work for not dressing up and generally acting like I have the mental agility of a brick I chose to respond with this.
I'll bloody well choose when and whom I wish to donate to. Bastards.
This took about a day to make. Time restraints and such.
I love Andrew
I really love your kinda bisarre style.
Keep up the good work.
good movie. this movie sure was a 'comic relief' in my eyes, good humour.
Haha! This actually made me laugh!!
Lol nice job man. I was actually laughing while watching this. Complete Fuckwit! LOL I laughed out loud(literally) when i saw that.
Well thanks alot for making me laugh for a short while! 3/5
ewww who would stick pencils up their ass? lol that was pretty weird and random! your art style is kindof like salad fingers kindof. Pretty short, but overall it was okay.
"You are a fuckin' scrooge"
This was hilarious, but this scares me..
You gave this entry a 5, lowering its score from 5.0009 to 5.0008!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point
What in the flying fuck?
That never happened to me.. o.0