really dude
stared out good got better but then you just HAD to put the stupid ninja shit and the stupid power stuff. i say stop while your only down a bit and go back to what it was in the first 9
there will be 24 episode and 1 prologue.
enjoy it.
really dude
stared out good got better but then you just HAD to put the stupid ninja shit and the stupid power stuff. i say stop while your only down a bit and go back to what it was in the first 9
well ok...
Sure you decide to use Naruto but, for god sakes don't over expliot the ninja too much...yeah. I dunno, I just get this preminitions that nothing good comes out of borrowed charactrers if there not used for a GOOD reason. /\_/\
Really, stop with the anime fighting.
Stop with the Japanesse voice overs. People want to hear ENGLISH!!!
Ye it was pretty gd. Its a big improvement frm wen i look bak at the 1st 24. But i kno that the subtitles doesnt translate the speeches. its jus some random japanese speeches. why i kno? cuz IM JAPANESE
well thats prolouge to 13, i star ted at 12
I liked it, this is my final review for this series, until 14-24 come out, plz make your animations better cause im looking forwards to the next ones!!! and this is all constructive criticism, take more time in this and plz try to make the music not end so quickly, other than that i loved the series, and to those of you who are still going past 11, you'll like 12 & 13!
Thx for all your review dude !!!